An Introduction

My Wife and I were talking one night about the possibility of our lives outside of the restaurant world. What are we going to do for money? (always the first thought) What about fun… what about all of the extra time, not in front of a stove or a cutting board cheating glances at the clock and the persistent march of the minute hand as we approach service time.

“What if I started a blog” I said.

When she didn’t say “no” right away, I knew it wasn’t a horrible idea.

“OK,” she replied. “What would you write about?”

“I don’t know. I have 16 years of experience in professional kitchens and some fun and interesting stories from all the people I’ve met and worked with. Maybe I could start there.”

So that’s how this idea began, a supportive conversation with my wife, and here I am, typing away like I haven’t done since “keyboarding” class in highschool.

My mother made me take that class. Looking back she was wise beyond her years. Growing up in California she also insisted that I learn Spanish, and not French like I wanted to. While I was in kitchens in California, it helped, but now I live in France so… Oh well, can’t win ’em all huh Mom?

I would like this blog space to be a place for some of my stories, from the past, present, and hopes for the future. Both professional and personal. Spiced up with some recipes tested, and used both at home and in my restaurant. Not all of the recipes will be applicable in a home environment in their entierty but I hope that parts of them speak to the home cook to use and adapt as needed.

In preparing to do this, I read a few of other peoples’ blogs. I have to say that they all sounded like they could be on daytime network television blabbing about how little time they have to cook for a large family. All the while wearing pancake makeup and a smile. That, will not be what these pages will be about.

Each new cook is encouraged with different levels of intensity, to keep a notebook of all the recipes, lists, and observations that are involved in working in a restaurant kitchen. These pocket sized, handwritten pages could be used one day as a basis for a future career. I myself have several and they are filled with sketches, ideas that never came to fruition, (a few that did) order lists and every other piece of information I deemed necessary to remember. That is a chef’s notebook. We hold that knowledge bestowed upon us by our peers and mentors dearly. One day, maybe, to be used and passed on again, as is the tradition in this profession.

Cooking for me, or any professional chef, is not glamorous. It is sweaty, painful, neverending, ungrateful stress. I love it with all my heart. I has brought me everything good that I have and hold dear. And also some experiences I would like to forget. That is the love, joy, pain, and laughter that I would like to share. The generosity of a profession and a life earned through hard work, strong will and amazing people.

So, Come along, if you like, on a voyage inside a life, my life, with all its ups and downs. Just like yours, I’m sure.

Welcome to A Chef’s Notebook